🎉 [MediaTek Inc. ‘s New Construction Project at TongLuo Science Park]

The groundbreaking ceremony for the MediaTek Inc. TongLuo science park Phase I New Construction Project was held on March 1st, with a lively atmosphere. The event was presided over by Mr. Li Yiqing, General Manager of the Information Headquarters of MediaTek Inc., with Mr. Yuan Aiwei, Chairman, and Mr. Huang Yifang, General Manager of Kedge Construction, leading the entire team in offering blessings.

Kedge continues to create office and factory for international enterprises. This project not only supports the Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli Silicon Valley project but also accelerates the formation of the technology-related industry corridor. 🙌

#KedgeConstruction #GroundbreakingCeremony #MediaTek Inc. #TongLuoSciencePark