Occupational Safety and Health

Working with health and safety is a human right

Kedge Construction Co., Ltd. guarantees that “every worker who participates in the company’s activities has the right to know and understand the issues of hazards and risk that may affect health or safety in the working environment and procedures, and be free to participate in the review and improvement of them (the rights to information, participation and assembly). They also have right to obtain corresponding health and safety protection to avoid possible impact on body and life (the right to be protected); if the impacts that causes health or safety losses are recognized, participants and their families shall be provided with appropriate and effective remedies (appropriate and effective remedy).”

Kedge Construction Co., Ltd., adhering to the founder Mr. Ma Yushan’s concept of “people-oriented, respect for life, and safe construction,” provides a healthy and safe working environment and system and regards occupational safety and health management as one of the important conditions for the company’s survival and sustainable development. We incorporate the human right “health and safety at work” into the occupational safety and health policy: we promise to “comply with laws and regulations” to ensure the rights and interests of every worker participating in the company’s activities; we hold “hazard prevention” to identify possible health and safety risks in the relevant working environment and procedures in advance. we promote the “full participation” of health and safety actions, and stick to the “continuous improvement” for eliminating various hazards at work. We strive to ensure that our working environment and procedures achieve the health and safety of personnel, so as to fulfil the purpose of maintaining social order.

Establish, verify and maintain occupational safety and health management system

Kindom Construction has established and obtained certification for the “ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System TOSHMS under CNS 45001:2018.” This certification encompasses employees and workers in designated workplaces under the company’s control, workers engaged in activities under the company’s control, and stakeholders involved in related business activities. However, it excludes co-working personnel not under the company’s control who may be impacted by the company’s operations, products, or services in terms of occupational safety and health.

Hazard identification, risk assessment and accident investigation

According to Article 2-1 and Article 6 of the Occupational Safety and Health Management Measures, the company’s head office has set up an occupational safety office directly under the General Manager’s dedicated first-level management unit, responsible for drafting, planning, supervising and promoting affairs concerning safety and health management. It also serves to guide the implementation of relevant departments. In order to prevent occupational accidents in the engineering projects affiliated to the company, the person in charge of the workplace of the engineering project shall act as the commander, supervisor and coordinator of the workplace, and organize the occupational safety team to which he belongs. The team leader shall have qualification as a supervisor of construction industry and occupational safety and health business. He shall be responsible for supervising safety and health management affairs involved in engineering projects. One of the team members should have qualifications as the occupational safety and health administrator above grade B, responsible for drafting, planning and promoting affairs of safety and health management in engineering projects. He shall be also in charge of guiding relevant departmental implementation. In compliance with the provisions of Article 38 of the Implementation Rules of the Occupational Safety and Health Law, we established a coordination organization for engineering projects, and at least once a month (regularly) or irregularly hold the “Engineering Project Coordination Organization Meeting” to convene contractors, sub-contractors, etc. to carry out connection and adjustment of the company, inspection of the workplace, guidance and assistance in safety and health education between related contractors, and other necessary matters for the prevention of occupational accidents.

The Occupational Safety Team and the Occupational Safety Office of the Occupational Safety and Health Organization shall, in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Management Measures (Attachment 2 and 2-1), stipulate the scale of the construction business units and the qualifications of the management personnel (construction business supervisor, Class B or (and) Class A management) and the full number of people.

Within the company, there are a total of 286 qualified occupational health and safety management personnel(including: 199 supervisors of occupational health and safety affairs in the construction industry, 81 occupational safety and health managers with Class B technician qualifications, 5 occupational safety managers with Class A technician qualifications, 1 occupational health manager with Class A technician qualifications.)

Based on the certified ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System / Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System (TOSHMS) CNS 45001:2018, Kedge Construction Co., Ltd. formulated the “Occupational Safety Risk and Opportunity Assessment Procedure” and “Accident Reporting and Investigation Management Procedures,” required the Occupational Safety Office, engineering projects and all departments to carry out hazard identification, risk assessment and accident investigation related to occupational safety and health. The Occupational Safety Risk and Opportunity Assessment Procedure serves to standardize the risk assessment at all levels of the company, including methods, background establishment, risk opportunity identification, risk opportunity assessment, risk opportunity treatment, and change risk management. It clearly defines hazards, risks, etc. and determines the qualifications of personnel who accept risks and undertake assessments.Accident Reporting and Investigation Management Procedures are defined to distinguish between occupational safety incidents, disability injury incidents or disease incidents, major occupational accidents, near-misses and traffic incidents. The Procedures also standardize the company’s various project projects, emergency response, investigation and reporting when occupational safety incidents occur, so as to reduce the loss of the accident and prevent the recurrence of similar accidents.

Kedge Construction Co., Ltd. complies with Paragraph 1 of Article 18, of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which states “When there is a concern of a potential imminent danger at a workplace, the employers or people responsible for the worksite shall immediately issue orders to halt work and withdraw laborers to a safe location,” and with Paragraph 2 “When laborers discover there is a concern of a threat of imminent danger while executing their duties, under conditions in which the safety of other workers is not jeopardized, they may terminate work of their own accord and withdraw to safe locations, and immediately report to their direct supervisors.” We also abide by Paragraph 3 “The employers shall not dismiss, reassign, not pay wages for the period of work on halt, or otherwise impose unfavorably treatment on laborers taking actions prescribed in the preceding paragraph.”

Based on the monthly occupational safety inspection records of each engineering project carried out by the Occupational Safety Office in 2023, Kedge Construction Co., Ltd. counts the types of hazards as “falling, structure collapse, falling objects, and electric shock” as the top four common major hazards. In order to reduce possible risks (=occurrence frequency X occurrence severity), we set two aspects of “safety process” and “safe construction” for prevention and correction.

Safety process

  • Pre-operation risk assessment:

According to the ISO 45001:2018 occupational safety risk and opportunity assessment procedure, after the contracted supplier confirms the construction operation and before the manufacturer’s personnel, machinery, materials, etc. enter the construction site, our person in charge of the construction site must convene our team (occupational safety group, construction group, quality control group, administrative group), and cooperate with the person in charge of the construction supplier, the person in charge of on-site construction, or with the actual construction workers to hold a “Pre-operation risk assessment meeting” for discussing the health and safety protection measures that should be coordinated with the construction environment and procedures at each stage.

  • Issuance and Confirmation of Construction Drawings: 

According to the ” Guidelines For Performing Quality Management Of Public Construction Works ” of the Public Construction Committee of the Executive Yuan, the construction unit should construct according to the construction drawings; Following Kedge’s construction drawing management regulations, the engineer should receive a correct construction drawing signed by the procedures and conduct the construction according to the correct and new version of the construction drawing.

Safe construction

  • Confirm the safe construction environment: In accordance with the results of the “pre-operation risk assessment meeting”.
  • Conduct pre-construction hazard identification: Workers who enter the site every day must receive hazard notification and sign the “Daily Hazard Notification Sheet”.
  • Inspection during construction operations: Implement various construction safety inspections and immediately improve unhealthy and unsafe states and actions in accordance with the K02-2-HS02-occupational safety control procedures formulated by ISO 45001:2018.
  • Clean-up after construction: After the daily construction work, the occupational safety team will lead the site clean-up and restore the safe environment together with the construction team and all the suppliers.

Identification of Types of Occupational Hazards and High-Risk Management (such as Physical Hazards, Human Factors Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Biological Hazards, and Psychosocial Hazards)

Occupational Health Services

According to Article 22 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Kedge Construction appoints 1 occupational nurse in the General Manager’s Office at the headquarters. The position requires graduation from domestic or foreign public or private universities with nursing majors accredited by the Ministry of Education, holding a nursing license, and completing a 48-hour training course for occupational health service nurses to obtain a qualified certificate.

The headquarters and 15 construction sites participated in the Ministry of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s “Workplace Safety and Health Week” activities, obtaining 16 certificates of participation for 2023. They have optimized health care and tracking, conducted extensive workplace health seminars, published various health information and educational materials, and collaborated with the Taipei City Health Bureau and private organizations to organize multiple first aid courses. In 2023, they also received certification for 4 “Safe Place” locations, fulfilling the company’s commitment to promoting and caring for employee health.

Workers’ Participation, Consultation and Communication in Occupational Safety and Health

Kedge Construction Co., Ltd. established an Occupational Safety and Health Committee in accordance with Article 5-1 and Article 11 of the Occupational Safety and Health Management Measures. The labor representatives of the members of the committee accounted for more than one-third of the members and prepared a name list of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee for inspection. The “Occupational Safety and Health Committee Meeting” is held at least once a quarter (regularly) according to the laws, or when management needs change or emergency events occur (irregularly). The meeting is held to provide suggestions on the company’s goals or the occupational safety and health policies proposed by the occupational safety office. The meeting also serves to review, coordinate and recommend safety and health related affairs brought by various engineering projects and departments.

Since the establishment of ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System/Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System (TOSHMS) CNS 45001:2018, the Occupational Safety and Health Committee has dealt with the occupational safety and health affairs stipulated in Article 12 of the Occupational Safety and Health Management Measures. The committee provides advice, coordination, deliberation, assessment and other matters related to occupational safety and health management. The committee aims to help company employees involved in engineering projects and workers whose work is controlled by the company, or collaborative suppliers who participate in collaborative work not controlled by the company, and stakeholders who involve in relative business. The target for whom the committee may also extend its business includes those who are not under the control of the company, but who may be impacted by the occupational safety and health of the company’s operations, products, or services.

In 2023, occupational safety and health committee meetings/monthly safety meetings were conducted via online/physical meetings.

According to Article 32 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, “Employers shall provide laborers with all necessary safety and health education and training to perform duties and prevent accidents,” we give our employees education and training on occupational safety and health.

Records of relevant education and training on occupational safety and health completed in 2023

In 2023, Kedge Construction assisted government agencies in organizing construction site observations and camp activities for workplace safety and health. Through on-site exhibitions and interactions, they promoted occupational safety and health in construction.

Preventing and mitigating the occupational safety and health impacts directly related to business operations

According to Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Kedge Construction is required to provide necessary preventive equipment or measures within reasonable and feasible limits to prevent occupational hazards for its employees. Based on a survey conducted in 2022, “occupational safety and health” is identified as a significant issue for employees. Management objectives, methods, and evaluation mechanisms have been established and occupational safety and health goals were set and achieved in 2023.

Workers covered by the occupational safety and health management system 

Based on the certification of ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System / Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System (TOSHMS) CNS 45001:2018, the legal management scope includes all our employees and workers.

We collected the statistics of occupational accidents in accordance with Article 38 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The complete statistics in 2023 is as follows.

Occupational Injury

According to Article 38 of the Occupational Safety and Health Law, Kedge Construction Co., Ltd. prepares the content and statistics of occupational accidents and submits a monthly report to the labor inspection agency for reference, and publishes it in the workplace. 

Occupational Safety Incidents and Statistics: Statistics of internal occupational safety incidents within the company in 2023.

Statistics of occupational accidents involving employees of Kedge Construction (including foreign workers).

Occupational Accident Statistics in 2023

Actively Participating in Occupational Safety Organization Activities and Award Records

General Manager Huang Yi-fang courageously takes one responsibility

  • Served as the President of the National Construction Industry Occupational Safety and Health Promotion Association, Kedge Construction has assisted in organizing various activities with significant achievements. 
    1. Organized 5 sessions of member general meetings and Safety Visible Seed Teacher training/observation sessions.
    2. Hosted a joint results presentation and project observation session.

Active Participation from Kedge Construction

  • Actively participated in the Occupational Safety and Health Promotion Association’s activities under the guidance of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Ministry of Labor. The results have been favorable.
    1. Participated in Taipei City’s Autonomous Management Strategy Alliance for Construction Sites, attending 4 meetings.
    2. Engaged in the Northern Region Construction Industry Occupational Safety and Health Promotion Association, attending 6 meetings.
    3. Participated in the Central Region Construction Industry Occupational Safety and Health Promotion Association, attending 6 meetings.
    4. Engaged in the Southern Region Construction Industry Occupational Safety and Health Promotion Association, attending 4 meetings.
  • Participated in the 2023 Occupational Safety and Health Cup Healthy Running event.
  • Assigned colleagues from construction sites to actively participate in occupational safety and health seminars, workshops, and site observation meetings organized by various units. Attended a total of 28 events in 2023.
  • Participated in the “Taipei City Labor Inspection Office’s Promotion of Environmental Improvement Counseling for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” and assigned the company’s occupational safety and health manager to serve as a counselor in this project. Assisted in the counseling and improvement of working environments for small and medium-sized enterprises within Taipei’s jurisdiction.

Annual Awards

  • Received the “Excellent Civil Engineering Award for Occupational Safety and Health, 12th Taipei New Construction Safety Award (2022)” from the New Taipei City Government’s Department of Labor – “Kindom Construction Corp.’s New Construction Project at Taipei Metro Wan-da Line Zhonghe High School Station (LG08)”.
  • Received the “Workplace Sustainable Health and Safety Award, 12th Taipei New Construction Safety Award (2022)” from the New Taipei City Government’s Department of Labor.
  • Received the “Excellent Unit Award, 2023” from the Taipei City Government’s Department of Labor – “Public Housing and Commercial Building New Construction Project at Taipei Metro Technology Building Station Rui’an Section”.
  • Received the “Great Boss Award, 2023” from the Taipei City Government’s Department of Labor.
  • Received the “Excellent Unit Award for Promoting Occupational Safety and Health, 2023” from the Ministry of Labor – “Public Housing and Commercial Building New Construction Project at Taipei Metro Technology Building Station Rui’an Section”.
  • Received the “Excellent Engineering Golden Safety Award for Promoting Occupational Safety and Health, Civil Engineering Group, Honorable Mention, 2023” from the Ministry of Labor – “Kindom Construction Corp.’s New Construction Project at No. 838, Section 2, Ruei’an Segment, Da’an District, Taipei City”.

Occupational Safety and Health (Occupational Health) Human Factors Hazard Prevention Plan

  1. Establish and announce the implementation of the “Human Factors Hazard Prevention Plan”.
  2. Injury and illness investigation: Fill out the “Musculoskeletal Symptoms Survey Form” annually.
  3. Identify whether employees are injured due to prolonged poor posture. Based on the hazard level, propose health promotion, simple improvements, and advanced improve-ments. When necessary, present at the Occupational Safety and Health Committee meetings and review follow-up improvements.
  4. 2023 Analysis Report: 97.9~99.4% of employees’ limbs are free from hazards.
  5. Collaboration with Eden Foundation: Arrange four days a week for blind massage services, providing employees with the use of electric massage chairs.

Preventive Plan for Diseases Caused by Abnormal Workloads

  1. Establish and announce the implementation of the “Preventive Plan for Diseases Caused by Abnormal Workloads”.
  2. Conduct cardiovascular risk assessments based on employee health check-up data.
  3. Injury and illness investigation: Complete the “Overwork Assessment Scale” annually.
  4. Based on the results of the “Overwork Assessment Scale” questionnaire, provide on-site medical services and guidance to high-risk colleagues to ensure their physical and mental health.
  5. Focus on employee overwork issues. Develop, implement, and promote the “Preventive Plan for Diseases Caused by Abnormal Workloads”, and implement related safety and health measures to prevent overwork. This aims to avoid risks associated with rotating shifts, night shifts, and prolonged work hours, which could accumulate work stress and fatigue, potentially affecting physical fitness and increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Ensure the safety and health of employees, with no cases of employees seeking medical treatment due to overwork in 2023.
  6. Colleagues over the age of 45 at high risk are included in the “Middle-aged and Elderly Assessment” and receive on-site medical services, along with appropriate recommendations from physicians.
  7. The prevention measures for abnormal work-related diseases and the assessment and prevention measures for middle-aged and elderly employees cover all employees and non-employees working on-site (including employees and contractors at construction sites), achieving a coverage rate of 100%.

Maternal Worker Health Protection Program

  1. Formulate and announce the implementation of the Maternal Health Protection Program.
  2. Establish relevant assessments and health protection measures based on the “Maternal Health Protection Rules for Maternal Workers.”
  3. Encourage proactive reporting by employees and require them to fill out the “Self-assessment Form for Maternal Workers within 1 year of pregnancy and childbirth,” followed by on-site physician consultations to provide guidance. This ensures the physical and mental health of colleagues and offers appropriate advice.
  4. Provide assistance through workplace health hazard assessments for pregnant employees, adjustments to job duties during pregnancy, maternity benefits, and assistance with postpartum return to work. Ensure a safe and healthy workplace for pregnant employees of all job types, creating a supportive environment for pregnant women.
  5. Set up lactation rooms for female employees. Ensure the health of maternal workers by providing comprehensive maternal care, allowing female employees to strike a balance between work and life.
  6. In 2023, a total of 9 employees received maternal health protection measures.

Consultation with Medical Staff, Health Guidance, and Job Suitability Assessment:

Maternity Health Protection Assessment: Ms. OO, a 41-year-old female, XXX engineer. This assessment is for postpartum maternity health protection following the birth of her second child, delivered naturally. For the first four months, she breastfed her child, and has since transitioned to solid foods and full-formula bottle feeding. Her work environment is under Level 1 management. Health education was provided on infant care knowledge, nutritional assessment, and adjustments to nighttime sleep routines. Currently, she reports good health and has returned to work on-site for several months with no reported issues. Therefore, after completing the assessment and health education, no adjustment to her work position is required, and the case can be closed.

Preventive Plan for Illegal Acts Against Job Execution

  1. Establish and announce the implementation of the “Preventive Plan for Illegal Acts Against Job Execution”, with the declaration signed personally by the chairman.
  2. Create declarations and posters regarding illegal acts: Post prominent posters to remind employees how to respond to and report illegal acts if encountered.
  3. Simultaneously post promotional posters in Vietnamese, Thai, and other languages to inform foreign workers, effectively reducing disputes arising from poor communication.
  4. To prevent employees from experiencing physical or mental illegal acts during work, guide them in identifying hazards and assessing risks, and provide them with appropriate work environments. Establish a dedicated complaints unit, hotline, and email address to handle related cases in accordance with the law.
  5. Handle employee complaints promptly upon submission. If the case is substantiated, assist the complainant (victim) in arranging psychological counseling and protect their privacy. If necessary, assist them in seeking medical treatment.
  6. Conduct regular educational and awareness programs.
  7. In 2023, all 38 senior managers and above (100% coverage) participated in illegal act prevention training courses and self-assessment, with no incidents of illegal acts occurring.

Statistics on Complaints of Illegal Acts Over the Years

We handle complaints of illegal acts promptly according to company regulations. Upon receiving such complaints, we assist colleagues in immediate resolution. Depending on the physical and mental condition of the victim, we proactively refer them for psychological counseling and legal assistance. Necessary support is provided to victims, including arranging counseling, leave of absence, adjusting their duties, and ensuring follow-up and care by company medical staff. 

Workplace Illegal Acts Prevention Flowchart

Infectious Disease Control – COVID-19

  1. Rolling Control Strategy: In response to COVID-19, which has been reclassified from Category 5 to Category 4 of statutory infectious diseases, and due to the normalization of the epide-mic situation, control measures have been relaxed. Starting from May 1, 2023, the “New Epidemic Prevention Life” initia-tive was launched, lifting the following regulations: control of entryand exit, real-name registration, maintaining social distancing through app-based  mechanisms, abnormal handling, disinfe-ction, employee self-managed health, epidemic reporting, and distribution of epidemic prevention supplies (such as masks and rapid test kits). Previously implemented vaccine leave hasalso been canceled. Emphasis is placed on caring for the physi-cal and mental health of employees, providing various health information to ensure every employee can work without worry.
  2. Through internal websites, emails, and posters, the latest epide-mic prevention information is disseminated to ensure that col-leagues are informed in real-time for self-health management.
  3. Regular cleaning and disinfection of workplaces, with emplo-yees undergoing rolling rapid testing based on their individual conditions. Indoor mask-wearing is still mandatory, and self-protection measures are adhered to as per regulations.

Prevention of Biological Hazards – Dengue Fever Control

  1. Rolling Control Strategy: Strengthen various infectious disease prevention measures, including abnormal handling, regular environmental disinfection, self-health management for employees, and epidemic reporting mechanisms.
  2. Implement epidemic control actions based on the severity of the situation, ensuring the physical and mental well-being of employees. This ensures peace of mind for every employee to work, promoting a healthy and comfortable working environment.
  3. Enhance dissemination of epidemic prevention information through internal websites, emails, and posters. Ensure employees are well-informed and capable of managing their health.
  4. In cooperation with local government efforts to control dengue fever, regular environmental treatment and disinfection were conducted at the workplace. Additionally, on September 15, 2023, blood tests were performed on 117 high-risk individuals.

Occupational Accident Investigation Procedure and Corrective Measures (Return-to-Work Assessment)

  1. In the event of a workplace accident, besides following legal procedures, it is essential to understand the root causes of the accident. This involves conducting an objective and professional investigation, analyzing the incident, and establishing improvement measures. Implementing relevant preventive measures ensures every employee can work safely and return home securely.
  2. For personnel, their physical and mental well-being is assessed by medical staff, providing necessary health care, counseling, and return-to-work assessments to safeguard their personal health and safety.
  3. Management plans are designed to mitigate high-risk hazards, aiming to achieve zero occupational accidents.

Outdoor Construction in High Temperature – Prevention of Heat-related Hazards

Outdoor Construction in Low Temperature–Prevention of Cold-related Hazards

Comprehensive Employee Health Care